Saturday, December 13, 2008

Please leave a comment stating what you can donate from the wish list so everyone knows what is still needed. I will post a contact person there in Richfield later this weekend.... THANK YOU!


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. I didn't know Mistie very well in high school, but from what I do remember I can tell that she has really turned her life around. She deserves the love and support of the community. I live out of state, but I will certainly let my family and friends who still live there know about this.

    Will someone be setting up an account for donations? If so, please post and let us know.

  2. I will be there to organize the home make over remain as long as needed to help with the children and to complete painting and decorating. Thanks to all who contribute in any way, your support is greatly appreciated! Tess Teeples (Justin's mom)

  3. We had this posted on The R House blog ( and have quite a few people wondering about a paypal account or maybe a bank account were they can donate money.  Do you have anything set up like that yet?

    Thanks so much!

    Love you guys!

  4. I am very sorry to hear about your brain tumor! I had the very same type of tumor when I was young. I was only 21 months old when doctors discovered a tumor on my brain stem. The type of cancer was Medulloblastoma just the very type as you have.After having the tumor surgically removed I underwent Radiation and Chemotherapy treatments throughout my childhood.
    I now have a permanent shunt which drains the brain fluid before it builds up giving me massive headaches. I was told that it is rare to have a shunt put in for that type of tumor is rare, and in the past I have had to go into surgery to have it replaced.
    I am so greatful that I have survived cancer, but am deeply saddened by the thought of those who have not been as fortunate as I have been! I try to pay tribute to them by attending the Relay for Life every year. I hope I can also help others who are dealing with cancer by sharing my story and perhaps giving courage to them as they undergo their treatments and hardships.
    I sincerely hope that my story of overcoming this will give you hope and courage through your hardships! If you ever want to contact me my name is Daniel Rioja. I live in Venice Ut. You can contact me at: 896-5270.
    I am 27 now and have been free of cancer for 25 years. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!
